Mother knows best,

How to make you cry

Mother knows best,

How to criticize…

So even addiction, decrepitness, and destruction

Seems a happier place than none in your mother’s good graces.

Mother knows best,

To smile, and facing you, stabs you in the heart with all good intentions,

You didn’t know good intentions could be so sharp -

a sword, a knife, a dagger -

yet like a bullet, exploding open like a pinecone bloated with seeds,

and every little seed - shrapnel.

Ow…Mother knows best?

Mother knows best,

Except your need for freedom…

Except your passions in life…

Except why you love the man you do…

Except why you decided not to wear a jacket…

Except where you had dinner…

Except what you had for dinner…

Except the philosophy of your life…

Except the color of your blouse…

Except the cut of your hair…

Mother. Knows. Best.

And. You. Are. Not. It.

But in truth,

You can rest your weapons.


Mother knows best,
